Tack & Gear

Tack and gear is an essential part to owning, riding and competing with your horse in the Hunter/Jumper Circuit.  It is important to know how your tack and gear is supposed to look and function.  Knowing this information is helpful in ensuring that your tack and gear is safe for both your horse and yourself.  For instance, if you saddle does not properly fit your horse it could be very uncomfortable and even injure your horse.  Taking care of your tack and gear properly allows it to remain durable and long lasting. 

A frustrating part of being a participant in the Hunter/Jumper Circuit is preparing for competitions and knowing what tack and gear as well as show clothing to pack for these competitions.  The following list were constructed as basic guides for preparing and packing tack and gear for upcoming competitions:

-Cleaning Tack & Gear: the proper way to clean your leather tack, such as your saddle, bridle & girth.
-*Packing Tack & Gear for Horse Show: a list of the basic equipment you will need before competiting in a Hunter/Jumper Circuit show.
-*Show Clothing: a list of the standard show clothes you will need before you plan on competiting in a Hunter/Jumper Show.

*These are just basic lists, for more intricate information on what tack and gear and show clothes to pack it is recommended to ask your trainer or show grounds manager for their advice.